Week 24-25
Survival mode. Super cold weather and home building makes for less than ideal conditions. However our crew of tradesmen continue to work to make our dream come true.
The last few weeks have included more behind the scenes work mostly plumbing and HVAC. We also had a framing crew out to install some blocking in specific areas to make hanging hooks and towel bars in the future easier. We also have been playing with ideas for how to use the vaulted space in areas like the garage, Josh’s office and the bedroom.
A sketch interpretation by Dalle, ChatGPT. It won’t look like this at all. But it was cool, so it had to be shared.
For the garage, before construction began we shifted the doors to the south as far as possible to give as much space on the tall wall as possible. That will most likely involve a creative diy loft built by Team Miller in the future.
Another interpretation by ChatGPT. It won’t look like this, but it’s kind of cool and gives us something to look at.
In the primary bedroom, original plans called for an enclosed attic space between the bathroom and the exterior wall to be an area to run hvac and bathroom vents. Our framer suggested we make an opening so we could use it as storage. Our architect suggested a combination: a small chase to the back of the space and leave it open as an area for loft storage. We loved the idea and set the plan into motion and the framing was modified.
For Josh’s office, there is a double stacked window. The space feels wonderful and full of light but there is also a large amount of vertical space for us to be creative with using. While browsing Dwell Magazine on Instagram, Liz came across a loft net. We will have a nice built-in ladder that leads to a net loft for reading or napping or generally being the coolest space in our house. While the framers were on site, we had blocking put in around the perimeter of the room so we can put the anchors for the net every 6 inches. I am so excited for this space!